Emergency relief for 200 women at Gnani alleged witches camp

Inmates at Gnani witches camp during w3 initiative visit

About This Campaign

The Gnani alleged witches camp is serving women, children and men accused of witchcraft with a lot of dependent irrespective of location in Northern region even after the purification.

In the past, many deaths were recorded of persons who were reunited with their love ones after the purification by the Tindana. Those pronounced not to be witches after purification were prevented from returning to their Homes by their relatives. Those that forced their way even when relations did agree to their resettlement, the accused is mostly attacked in their home at night, or day and killed for their return by mob unknown.

Most of the accused persons are unable to farm or attend to public gathering without being called names. The actions have increased the level of depression for most of the accuse and their immediate family members in the community.

The camping of the inmates at Gnani became the unavoidable option to prevent lynching to death, destruction of homes, farmlands and belongings of the inmate. The alleged witch who perceive danger in their community will refuse to return to his or her community even after purification. The fear of the unknown is the desire to stay in a camp, in a small mud room without windows and light for years.


  • Lack of food and clothing, Every accused woman found at the Gnani Alleged witches camp leave at the benevolent support of public donations to the camp. The donation, which is based on occasions, is the only source of livelihood for these old women, children and Men accused of witchcraft. The rate of accusation has doubled the inmate population at the camp for over two decades.
  • Most accused have dependents living with them in small rooms with their daughter, grandchildren. The single room mud homes are without light, nor proper health care. Their dependents have to travel by foot for more than 5km from the camp for dam water. With the increasing number of inmate and dependents, food supplies to the camp is not sufficient. Over 200 inmates at the Gnani witches camp are living under deplorable conditions as they lack food, water and decent shelter.
  • Lack of tricycle , Means of transport for camp inmates who are sick to the nearby health Centre is a major challenge. During the raining season most inmate due to their ages fall sick and    bedridden during this condition, Some through depression   and other illness have gone to be with the lord.
  • Lack of education, Their children do not go to school because of the stigmatization from the community.

Solution and Sustainable Strategy

Strategy 1

The Northern part of the country is noted to have one season in a whole year for farming. Livelihood of farmers largely depends on the use of improve seeds and good inputs support during the June to October farming and raining season.

W3 initiative aims at feeding the inmates of Gnani alleged witches camp through the development of parcel agricultural fields closer to the camp to end the circle of poverty.

The proposed 10 acres land will be divided and developed for maize, soybeans and groundnut cultivation for the next 5 years to feed the inmates.

However, 5 acres land will be allocated for Maize cultivation, which is the major staple food in the northern region, using an improved hybrid seed. 2 acres land will be developed for soybeans cultivation, using Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) inoculant variety which is high yielding as well require little fertilizer application. The 3 acres land will be used for groundnut cultivation, which the women can process into paste or Oil for commercial sales. The groundnut paste will be marketed to generate the need income for the running of the tricycle ambulance fueling and maintenance.

The 40% propose yield from the Maize cultivation will be sold to the buffer stock company which is a government agency. 60% of the produced from the maize cultivation will be used to feed the inmate throughout the year. But produce from the farm will be kept in a warehouse that will be built by donors through this donation

Strategy 2

Purchase of tricycle ambulance and tricycle for the farming activities especially the land preparation period, fertilizer application, during harvesting and transportation to farm or the market. We propose purchase of Tricycle ambulance, to help in convening sick inmates and pregnant dependents to the near by health center. The running of the activities of the ambulance will be managed, maintained and supported under the Agric initiative for the camp after two years of farming. W3 will be responsible for the running until it is handed over to the community and chief.

Strategy 3

This is skills training initiative for inmates’ dependents in the camp. They will be engaged in bead making, soap making and other skills training activities. This will be runout to keep them busy as well to generate income for the running of the camp for the next five years and beyond.

Strategy 4

Setting up of classroom and Provision of educational materials to help their children also get access to quality education, since they have been rejected and abandon by the community the children cannot join the community school because of the stigmatization.

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